Monday, February 27, 2012

a Sunday at the Sound

Sunday's sea kayak training sessions at the Sound overfalls, with the Adventure Club.

Thanks for a great training session today- I think it really highlighted how far I have come in terms of dealing with moving water and it my understanding of the Sound :-) a really interesting article this week...The basic underlying premise behind the article was;
  • People who exercises outside stick with their chosen activity more, mainly due to the fact that it usually happens in a group and that brings about camaraderie and friendship, most people are working towards a goal physical or mental. There is usually some form of mental challenge involved in outdoor sport which enables the brain to forget about all the stresses of work relationships etc etc
  • ...
  • Outdoor activity boosts your vitamin D levels (especially in winter) which are important to maintaining "happiness" and perspective and reducing stress levels.   80% of Britain's happiest people have a strong connection to nature and the outside.
This is not really new to us because we all love to be outdoors but it is interesting when you consider the current success of your adventure club and the amount of people who are continuing to paddle throughout the winter!"

  A brilliant day, split into small training pods, then meeting up for a combined session at the end.
 A few more pics on the way via email...

 milder conditions, a sign of things to come...

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