Youth Scholarship - Expedition to Vancouver Island
The current team on our Youth Scholarship - Development and Leadership Program have completed the Sea Kayaking stage of their Expedition in Vancouver Island.
Camping every night, using which ever mode of transport which most suits the objectives of the expedition and the location they are travelling through...
...its a journey of great significance.
Learning to work as a team in a challenging environment when decision making is key... it will effect your life as well as the lives of the rest of the team. Feedback can be firm and decisive!!
The potential rewards are enormous!! : )
...Risk Benefit Analysis in its purest form...
The 18 months of regular training with Adventurous Experiences team of professional coaching team is the main community project we support and fund. This exceptional and effective program is now emerging in the skills and attitude of the Youth Scholarship team.
Learning to deal with such a dynamic is fundamental to a long-term positive attitude where the constant challenge problem solving whilst dealing with adversity is embraced...
It is what it is
...and dedication, perseverance, team work will pay off long term!
You get out what you put in : )
Close encounters and interaction with wildlife forms an integral part of the education process...
so far Black Bears, Grey Whale and Calf, Humpback Whales, a Pod of Orcas rubbing on the gravel beach beside our wild campsite, deer, to name but a few...
...some of which may well be unpredictable and occasional surprising... the weather and related sea conditions...
It really makes you appreciate the more relaxing moments, and engrains a healthy respect for the natural environment. well as the truly special people you only seem to meet in these circumstances...
...people who go out of their way to assist you, to help make things a success...
Pat at Odyssey Kayaking for your continued support, Doug at San Josef Bay Heritage Park, the lighthouse keepers at Cape Scott, Cheryl at Port McNeil Tourism...
Thank you all so much!
...the team head into the mountains tomorrow...
We are really proud of what you have achieved so far and welcome to the world of Unforgettable Adventurous Experiences : )
Keirron & Keri (Expedition Leaders)

ps. a few pics from Whale Watching out of Telegraph Cove with Stubbs, where the team learned a great deal more about the marine life we had observed and paddled with, and how human activity is influencing them... plus watching a final Humpback Whale complete a spiral breach close up!
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